De Legibus is the annual publication of the King’s Jurisprudence Society. The journal welcomes submissions of contemporary work in jurisprudence, As the KJS is based in London, its readership will be generally more familiar with English law; nevertheless, studies of other jurisdictions, as well as international law and historical jurisprudence are warmly welcomed.
Our vision of jurisprudence is interdisciplinary, but not ill-disciplined. De Legibus permits a broader scope for its publications than most law journals, but everything we publish should carry insight that helps to further debates on the nature and limits of law.
The submission deadline for Volume 1 is 31 December 2022, 2359 BST. Submissions are not reviewed on a rolling basis, and will only be reviewed after the deadline has passed. Authors will be notified of the status of their submissions towards the end of January 2023.

Submissions should be between 4000 to 6000 words long (excluding footnotes and abstract) and sent by email to kingsjuris@gmail.com by 31st December 2022. Full submission guidelines below.
Have questions? Email us or DM us on instagram @kingsjurists.
Submission Guidelines
Research Articles must be between 4,000 – 6,000 words excluding the footnotes (footnotes, whilst not limited, should not generally add more than a further 25%) and the abstract
Case Notes must be between 2,000 – 4,000 words excluding the footnotes (footnotes, whilst not limited, should not generally add more than a further 25%) and the abstract.
All articles must be written in English.
All articles should be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 150 words in length, identifying the focus of the article and summarising the contribution which it makes.
Referencing should conform to OSCOLA standards. A PDF guide to OSCOLA is available HERE.
Font should be Times New Roman, font size 12.
Start flush left after headings.Title
Centred. Capitalise Main Words. Bold text.
Once accepted, the author’s name will appear, centred, below the title, in italic text.
The author’s affiliation will be added as a linked reference.Main Subheading
Flush Left. Bold. Precede by Roman I, II, III etc., if requiredSecond level Subheading
Flush Lef. Italacised. Type with initial capitals for main words. Precede by A, B, etc. if required.Third level Subheading
Flush left. Bold. Precede by Arabic numbering 1, 2, etc., if required.Punctuation marks
Punctuation marks should be outside closing quotation marks except for an exclamation mark, question mark, dash or parenthesis belonging only to the quotation, or a full point at the end of a grammatically complete sentence beginning with a capital letter. Full stops should be outside closing parentheses. Footnote indicators in the text follow punctuation marks. Capitals should be used when a specific reference is intended: the Act, the Bill, the Government (but government and industry), Parliament (but parliamentary). Unless the writer is referring to a court by name (e.g. the Supreme Court), “court” should not have a capital letter.Abbreviations
No full points should be used with abbreviations consisting of initials (EC, USA). Otherwise full points are retained (ch., Dr.,Ltd.,)Dates
Use the style ’16 September 2020′.Numerals
If below 10, these should be spelt out. E.g. ‘the three judges’.Latin (and other non-English words)
Latin (and other non-English words) should be italicised.Illustrations, Figures and Tables
These should only be included if essential to the manuscript’s content and should be placed within the body of the text. You will be asked to confirm that you have permission to publish any such materials.